Friday, February 12, 2010

The Greatest Wedding Movies!!! Pick your leading man and pick the best wedding movie!!!

Its almost V-day. For some, wedding plans will continue, for some wedding plans will begin. But Valentine's Day is a big day of LOVE!!! So in honor of it, I am talking about the great movie weddings!!!
1.Sound of Music-
This stands out for me because it had the great romance and the totally awesome wedding to go with it! The wedding scene took almost a half hour and it was breathtaking.
2.My Best Friend's Wedding-
Ok, Was I the only one who had hoped that he'd marry the maid of honor? Best part of the movie was when Rupert Evert sang "I Say A Little Prayer"
3.The Wedding Singer-
I loved this movie so much that I wanted the song Adam Sandler sang on the plane to Drew Barrymore "Grow Old With You" for my cake cutting. Unfortunately to major brainfreeze, this bride didnt remember the name of the song.
4.The Wedding Date-
I believe this movie was underrated and should be on a list somewhere.
Also, the groom from "My Best Friend's Wedding" is the date. Nuff said.

I am leaving number 5 open for all to comment on. What is the all time greatest wedding movie and why? If you had to star in a wedding movie, who would be your leading man?
Whoever comes up with the best one, wins a prize courtesy of the Blissful Bride!!!
Contest ends February 14th..

Happy Valentines Day to all!!!


  1. I'm going to go with The Wedding Planner- I love the weddings J-Lo plans throughout the movie, and although Fran and Dr. Steve don't actually tie the knot, the wedding is gorgeous- and I die for Fran's veil!! :)
    Oh and Matthew McConnaughey- YES PLEASE! ;)

  2. I so want to be the next J-Lo, except I would call myself Y-Lo. Matthew McConnaughey is definetly a hottie for sure! Thanks for commenting!!!
